Getting feedback on your training, and your technique, is of course an indispensable part of karate, and is one of the reasons we go to the dojo in the first place, instead of just training at home. We go to let other eyes watch us, assess us, and point us in the right direction.
Everyone reacts differently to the feedback, and individual people react differently depending on their circumstances that day. Sometimes you are eager for input, on a roll and feeling strong, ready to improve and grow and excited by where things are going. Sometimes you are in a slump, weeks or months where you feel like you're swimming uphill and getting nowhere, tired of hearing the same criticisms over and over again and never able to fix them. Some days you're in a great mood and bulletproof, so the harshest critiques are taken in stride; some days you're tired and grouchy and just trying to get through it, and even the gentlest comments are very unwelcome.
I have been through all of the above, and the only consistent thing I've found is that whether I'm in the mood for input or not, I never know how to take it if everyone is getting feedback except for me.
Last night I went to training stiff and sore from Saturday still, with a headache from staring at a computer screen all day. Despite all this, I was ready to train as strong as I could. I've been on kind of a roll lately. So I trained hard, gave as much energy and spirit as I could. I got tired early on, but pushed past it and kept trying hard. At the very end of class, Sensei had each of us come up and do their test kata, one at a time. Everyone but me got suggestions.
So I'm not sure how to react! My kata is far from perfect, I'm well aware of it. I definitely need input. And although I was tired, I had tried to work hard and be responsive throughout class -- I'd even come early to help with the first class. I'd hate to think that Sensei thought I was spent for the night and wouldn't be receptive. Hopefully all it means is that Sensei sees that I am working hard on the things he has already pointed out to me, and is satisfied with that. He did not look displeased with my kata, but I don't know if he was pleased or not!
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