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February 25, 2007



Good for you~ a lot of people would just quit at this point. Stance and technique can always be improved upon, and at least you don't have to feel like you can't participate at all.


Two of my good friends in our Karate Dojo have found each other and are now married and will have a child soon.
I think I seen the same with her: she has improved even more. Although she is a very good karateka.
Myself, I have had a downperiod now while my sons are teenagers and I ought to have more time for practise. Strange.


Sometimes it's hard to find the time or the motivation to train regulalry, and sometimes even when you do, it's hard to see any progress.

So when I've been struggling a bit, I'm always so grateful when I manage to find that spark of motivation and encouragement to keep going!

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