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February 22, 2007


michael neveu

I enjoyed your column. It is refreshing to read what otherwise might be considered "old school" or "old-fogey" perspectives on karate, and personal ettiquette. As I was taught, karate begins and ends with courtesy. Your writing reflects this, and I acknowledge your training.


Haha thank you, I am definitely "old school" when it comes to karate etiquette. I realize it's an unpopular position with many people, who either don't see any value in it, or don't understand it at all. So it's refreshing to read a comment from someone who doesn't think I'm hopelessly old fashioned and boring to still be harping on these things!

When I was coming up through the ranks, the higher belts were all very conscious of proper behavior and etiquette and taught and enforced it at all times. I didn't always understand WHY I had to do all these things, but I did them (who wants a black belt yelling at them?? lol). Now I'm so grateful, because now I understand and appreciate why many of these etiquette and respect rules are in place.

Tournament is next weekend, and we'll see what happens. The head of our region is making a strong push for more participation, in one way or another (compete or judge or help in some other way or at least show up to watch, learn & support) so we might well have the best turnout we've had in several years. Obviously that would make me very happy!!

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