So much for my determination to continue blogging regularly after I became a mom... ! Funny thing, those short people take up ridiculous amounts of time. And I wouldn't trade one second of it either.
Karate has continued to evolve in my life, along with other aspects of daily living. I still train regularly and am trying to pick it up even more as opportunity arises. With two karate-ka and one toddler, however, compromises must be made. My husband and I trade off for big events, as babysitting is not always available.
The new karate year begins next week with Kangeiko, Winter Training. This trial by fire, this setting of goals and spirit and mindset, is something I used to attend every year, going every day. That's simply not possible now, unless someone out there volunteers to come babysit at 4:30AM? No? That's what I thought. However, we each plan to try to go at least one day, trading off again. This year, as last year, gung ho spirit must be tailored to a new reality. And that's okay.
Another new beginning starts next month, with the creation of a Shotokan club at our nearby university. This longtime dream of my husband's is finally coming to fruition, and he is so excited -- as are we all! It's long overdue. This will give him, along with me and a few others, our first real "on your own" teaching, where you get to call the shots. It's time to apply what we've learned through all these years of training, and Instructor Training, and competition, and testing. It's a great opportunity, and humbling as well.
Another change is increased responsibilities within the organization, as we climb to more senior ranks, and the generation before us starts pulling back a bit and passing on duties. More teaching, more organizing. I will be running the tournament this year, a bit of an intimidating assignment but more than fair, and I've helped set up and run things for many years, so hopefully I can pull it off with minimal crises!
Finally, something old which is new again. In the face of economic troubles, overscheduling, and some physical setbacks, we are both so tired that our spirit is sagging, just when we need it the most. So now, as this new year commences, it's time to set aside last year's frustrations, and set our sights on making the coming year vibrant, fulfilling, and successful. We need to approach our new duties with excitement and gratitude, create a good example for those who will be watching us, and remind ourselves that karate (and life) are not the petty frustrations you encounter so often, but a path through life that we have found so essential and satisfying.
It's definitely time for Kangeiko, physically, mentally, and emotionally!!
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